The US GREEN CARD OFFICE website provides information and services related to the diversity visa lottery program, allowing individuals to apply for a green card to live and work in the United States. To earn extra cashback rewards while using the US GREEN CARD OFFICE website, follow these steps: 1. Click on the Shop Now button to be redirected to the US GREEN CARD OFFICE website. 2. Explore the services and information provided on the website. 3. Complete the green card application process or any other relevant services offered on the website. 4. Make a payment for the services you have selected. 5. Complete your purchase as usual. By following these steps, you will earn cashback rewards on your purchase made through the US GREEN CARD OFFICE website.


The US GREEN CARD OFFICE website provides information and services related to the diversity visa lottery program, allowing individuals to apply for a green card to live and work in the United States. To earn extra cashback rewards while using the US GREEN CARD OFFICE website, follow these steps: 1. Click on the Shop Now button to be redirected to the US GREEN CARD OFFICE website. 2. Explore the services and information provided on the website. 3. Complete the green card application process or any other relevant services offered on the website. 4. Make a payment for the services you have selected. 5. Complete your purchase as usual. By following these steps, you will earn cashback rewards on your purchase made through the US GREEN CARD OFFICE website.